Domestic issues Election 2008 Obama Politics

Against deep odds and great cynicism I will ask you to believe…

Andrew Sullivan posts tonight trying to counter the new meme spreading around about Obama: that he lacks substance.  Hillary for example tried to make this point in a typical Clintonian backhanded manner at the debate tonight.  Sullivan points this out for the tripe it is.

The reason this meme has been marginally effective though is not that Obama lacks substance, but because it is not substance that is drawing people to him. There are many things that are working for him – style, substance, class, gravitas, charisma.  The key element though is that ineffable, almost poetic, quality to his thought and speech.  Normal politicians speak to our rational minds, or to our fears, or to our hearts.  Obama manages to combine these.  He brings soul back to politics:

The truth is, one man cannot make a movement. No single law can erase the prejudice in the heart of a child who hangs a noose on a tree. Or in the callousness of a prosecutor who bypasses justice in the pursuit of vengeance. No one leader, no matter how shrewd, or experienced, or inspirational, can prevent teenagers from killing other teenagers in the streets of our cities, or free our neighborhoods from the grip of homelessness, or make real the promise of opportunity and equality for every citizen.

Only a country can do those things. Only this country can do those things. That’s why if you give me the chance to serve this nation, the most important thing I will do as your President is to ask you to serve this country, too. The most important thing I’ll do is to call on you every day to take a risk, and do your part to carry this movement forward. Against deep odds and great cynicism I will ask you to believe that we can right the wrong we see in America. I say this particularly to the young people who are listening today…

I know that you believe it’s possible too.

via Andrew Sullivan.

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