Election 2008 Obama Politics

Trial lawyers and telecom immunity

In an article full of smears by Karl Rove, this one stands out for its egregiousness:

[Barack Obama] won’t break with trial lawyers, even when they demand the ability to sue telecom companies that make it possible for intelligence agencies to intercept communications between terrorists abroad.

It’s classic Rove. Those commonly referred to as “trial lawyers” aren’t pushing to hold telecom companies responsible for breaking the law – civil libertarians are. But technically, any lawyer who goes to trial is a trial lawyer – even though the term generally refers to personal injury attorneys when used in a political context. So, by definition, anyone seeking to hold the telecom industry responsible for breaking the law – because no law enforcement agency is pursuing the matter – must be a trial lawyer.

Yet Mr. Rove manages to insinuate, in a manner difficult to entangle, that the only reason Democrats are opposing telecom immunity is that their supporters – the “trial lawyers” are just after more ridiculous verdicts.  At the same time, Mr. Roveis sowing discord among two important groups that make up the Democratic coalition if Mr. Obama tries to make the distinction between what the telecom companies want and what the civil libertarians want.  It’s win-win for Mr. Rove.

Election 2008 History Obama Politics

Idealism in the service of realism

Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor for Mr. Clinton, has been a prominent blog-supporter of Mr. Obama’s – stating from the beginning that he saw more potential in Mr. Obama and his ideas than he saw in a return to the Clinton presidency or in Ms. Clinton’s plans.  Last Saturday, Mr. Reich discussed his personal relationship with Mr. Clinton and described the historical context of his choice to back his old friend’s current nemesis:

Neither John F. Kennedy nor his brother Robert were idealists. They were realists who understood the importance of idealism in the service of realism. They grasped the central political fact that little can be achieved in Washington unless or until the public is energized and mobilized to push for it; the status quo is simply too powerful.  The ideals they enunciated helped mobilized the nation politically. That mobilization contributed to the subsequent passage of civil rights and voting rights laws, Medicare, and environmental protection. For purposes of practical electoral strategy as well as high-minded moral aspiration, they never tired of reminding the nation of its founding principles – most fundamentally, that all men are created equal.

Domestic issues Election 2008 McCain Politics

McCain and ‘the Bad Guys’

Andrew Ferguson of The Weekly Standard:

McCain’s method in domestic matters no less than in foreign affairs is military: He surveys a set of facts, identifies a villain, fixes him with his steely gaze, and then goes after him. McCain’s longstanding efforts to tighten regulations on the campaign finance system also contain an important personal component. At first it was a reaction against the accusations of impropriety that dogged him in the Keating Five scandal of 1989, and then, after 2000, against the attack ads, paid for by Bush allies, that damaged his presidential campaign. Here the villains were PACs, lobbyists, and freelance partisans who bought political advertising during an election–and had to be stopped. More recently, he has championed a “patients’ bill of rights” to tighten regulations on the HMOs, insurance companies, and employers he considers to be stingy with health benefits. Pharmaceutical companies should be reined in, he’s said, because they’re the “bad guys.”

I think this characterization of Mr. McCain is dead-on.  It’s both part of his charm and part of what makes it scary to see him as president after Mr. Bush.

Election 2008 Obama Politics

Charisma and the Cult of Personality

Last week in the New York Times Magazine, Kate Zernike analyzed “The Charisma Mandate”:

The “cult of personality” is used in the pejorative. But recast as a different name — call it charisma — and, as Roosevelt and other examples show, it can be a critical element of politics and its practical cousin, governance. It just can’t be the only element.

“Today, attacks on the cult of personality seem really to mean attacks on the ability to make speeches that inspire,” Mr. Caro said in an interview. “But you only have to look at crucial moments in the history of our time to see how crucial it was to have a leader who could inspire, who could rally a nation to a standard, who could infuse a country with confidence, to remind people of the justice of a cause…”

By any definition, the charismatic leader emerges at a time of crisis or national yearning, and perhaps a vacuum in that nation’s institutions. Mr. Schlesinger wrote in 1960 of a “new mood in politics,” with people feeling “that the mood which has dominated the nation for a decade is beginning to seem thin and irrelevant.” There was, he wrote, “a mounting dissatisfaction with the official priorities, a deepening concern with our character and objectives as a nation.”

Election 2008 Obama Politics

Refusing to buy into the Obama hype

Instead of the hype, Grassroots Mom decided to parse Mr. Obama’s and Ms. Clinton’s Senate records.

Election 2008 Obama Politics

Playing politics

Some people say that Mr. Obama is too naive and unwilling to play the dirty game of politics.  But for those paying attention, it’s clear he can play – as evidenced by the timing of his speech last Tuesday after his win in Wisconsin.

Election 2008 McCain Politics

Gandhi’s Virgins (and McCain’s lobbyists)

The now infamous Times piece had many flaws, but it does point to a major flaw in Senator John McCain’s character:

Even as he has vowed to hold himself to the highest ethical standards, his confidence in his own integrity has sometimes seemed to blind him to potentially embarrassing conflicts of interest.

Kinda reminds me of this, the one thing about Gandhi that seemed really fucked up.

Except here, only Mr. McCain could know if the decisions he made in public that did benefit the clients of his lobbyist friends were the pure result of his convictions or more human considerations…

Election 2008 History Obama Politics

Experience in history

George F. Will contrasting experience and inexperience in history:

The president who came to office with the most glittering array of experiences had served 10 years in the House of Representatives, then became minister to Russia, then served 10 years in the Senate, then four years as secretary of state (during a war that enlarged the nation by 33 percent), then was minister to Britain. Then, in 1856, James Buchanan was elected president and in just one term secured a strong claim to being ranked as America’s worst president. Abraham Lincoln, the inexperienced former one-term congressman, had an easy act to follow.

Election 2008 Politics The Clintons

The Press and Ms. Clinton

Frank Rich yesterday in the Times:

If the press were as prejudiced against Mrs. Clinton as her campaign constantly whines, debate moderators would have pushed for the Clinton tax returns and the full list of Clinton foundation donors to be made public with the same vigor it devoted to Mr. Obama’s “plagiarism.” And it would have showered her with the same ridicule that Rudy Giuliani received in his endgame. With 11 straight losses in nominating contests, Mrs. Clinton has now nearly doubled the Giuliani losing streak (six) by the time he reached his Florida graveyard. But we gamely pay lip service to the illusion that she can erect one more firewall.

Election 2008 Obama Politics

Obama messed up my “game”

I have the feeling this is a hoax. It’s just too perfect – too funny to be true. But the story is: a local reporter is hitting on some girl in Georgia and Senator Obama ruins this guy’s day by mistaking him for a kid and saying so at the conference. The reporter writes a story about it.

Mr. Obama decides to call the kid up to apologize for “messing up [his] game.

Like I said – it’s gotta be a hoax. But supposedly this happened back in 2006.