Category: Humor
Stephen Colbert Wants You!
[digg-reddit-me]To try to get him on stage at the Democratic National Convention…
And I think that’s a great idea.
Join the Facebook group “The Committee to Have Stephen Colbert Speak at the Democratic Convention.” Email the Democratic Convention at [email protected]. If the Barack Obama site administrators ever approve my request to start this group on, then you can also join that group of the same name as the Facebook group.
Do I think we can get Colbert a speaking role? I don’t know.
Do I think it would be awesome if we could? Yes.
Would Colbert give one of the best speeches of the convention? Hell yea.
Succinctly put by Steven Greenberg of the Ventura County Star.
I would have to say it’s an open question as to whether or not these Republicans are adherents to the “Starve the Beast” strategy or are just pure hypocrites on the matter of fiscal responsibility.
It’s Friday!
Kids Make the Darndnest Hand Gestures
One of these kids stands out for his maturity.
The amusing town of Dildo, Newfoundland
[Picture by KVL used under a Creative Commons license.]
[digg-reddit-me]The unfortunate residents of Dildo, Newfoundland (all 272 of them) have been trying to change their town’s name for years to no avail. While the town’s name was taken in the late 1700s – the source of the name is shrouded in mystery. The best explanation I have come across is that some early explorer thought that the local peninsula resembled a…dildo. Today, some residents have embraced the name though. While in this small fishing town, you can visit the Dildo Dory Grill and stay in the Dildo Cottages.
H/t Frink.
Osama Outraged at Magazine Cover
Courtesy of Tripartisan, the magazine cover that islamist extremists are outraged over.
Well, kinda.
Here’s one:
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
Barack Obama: The New Yorker magazine, which should be embarrassed after publishing such a tasteless and offensive cover, which I reject and denounce.
[digg-reddit-me]Jon Stewart backs the New Yorker and their cover 100% – showing more guts and – that highly valued quality that I’ve been harping on lately – perspective than most journalists or other opinionators. But that apparently is what Jon Stewart is here for.
Jon Stewart issues what Obama’s response should have been:
Barack Obama is in no way upset by this cartoon that depicts him as a Muslim extremist. Because you know who gets upset about cartoons? Muslim extremists, of which Barack Obama is not. It’s just a f****ng cartoon
‘ Yes well, legibility and correct punctuation might not be “street”… [Link to cartoon.]