Election 2008 Obama Politics The Clintons

Unproductive, Distasteful Mudslinging

Meanwhile, at another New York City newspaper, the Daily News, no stranger to gutter politics had this to say:

Employing innuendo and half-truths against Sen. Barack Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton and her husband, the former President, have introduced the politics of personal destruction to the Democratic presidential campaign. They bear responsibility for cheapening the tone of the contest…

[T]he Clintons have crossed the line into attacks that raise questions about how she might campaign were she the Democratic nominee and how she might govern were she elected to the Oval Office…

In one attack in the debate, Sen. Clinton accused Obama of helping a corrupt Chicago businessman with his “slum landlord business.” The truth is that Obama had put in five hours of work as a junior law firm associate helping to represent a community organization that had partnered with the businessman. The truth is also that Obama fought slumlords as a community organizer.

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