- Listening to the right-wing radio on in my office: "Are you pro-census?" the host sneers. "Because most people are anti-census." Ooookay. #
- 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes. Awesome. http://bit.ly/b4OukW #
- Never has Dilbert been more accurate about management. http://bit.ly/bRYUSg (From @reddit) #
- Any article evaluating the attraction of Justin Bieber needs more well-placed snark deflating the "cute little brat." http://bit.ly/9M9U3G #
- Evaluating Mitt Romney's 2012 Candidacy. http://2parse.com//?p=4982 #
- I've added ads to 2parse.com. A bit uncertain about it, and so far, they're only on individual blog posts. For eg. http://2parse.com//?p=4970 #
- Senator Lindsey Graham: Fiscal Chickenhawk. http://2parse.com//?p=4964 #
- Brent Bozell Deliberately Misleads His Readers! http://2parse.com//?p=4972 @BrentBozell, @newsbusters, #tcot #tlot #
- @BrentBozell Can you tell me the grounds on which you blame the Hannity accusations on "the Left"? #
- @newsbusters @BrentBozell Why is this about the Left if the person accusing Hannity of such things is http://www.debbieschlussel.com/bio/ ? in reply to newsbusters #
- Israel: Your American Tax Dollars At Work. http://2parse.com//?p=4966 #
- @chloecockburn Thanks for the tweet! http://twitter.com/chloecockburn/status/10942476457 in reply to chloecockburn #
- @velvetdelirium (Thanks for the r/t of http://twitter.com/oliviawilde/status/10948946954 ) #
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