Election 2008 Humor McCain Obama Politics Videos

The Animal Kingdom Endorses Obama

[digg-reddit-me]For the first time in it’s history, the Humane Society endorsed a presidential candidate, Barack Obama. They honored Obama’s record at the local and national level and expressed grave concern over Sarah Palin’s record – including opposing the Bush administration’s attempts to protect polar bears and engineering a campaign to hunt animals from helicopters and airplanes. The Human Society concluded:

Voters who care about protecting wildlife from inhumane and unsporting abuses, enforcing the laws that combat large-scale cruelties like dogfighting and puppy mills, providing humane treatment of animals in agriculture, and addressing other challenges that face animals in our nation, must become active over the next six weeks to elect a president and vice president who share our values. Please spread the word, and tell friends and family members that an honest assessment of the records of the two presidential tickets leads to the inescapable conclusion that Obama-Biden is the choice for humane-minded voters. [my emphasis]

Obama himself said that he thinks, “how we treat our animals reflects how we treat each other. And it’s very important that we have a president who is mindful of the cruelty that is perpetrated on animals.”

Polar Bears for Obama

(From DesignforObama)

Polar bears, of course, are scared of Sarah Palin.

Spiders for Obama

(H/t Andrew Sullivan)

Moose for Obama

(H/t reddit)

Meerkats for Obama

(From Obamabling)

Scaredy Cat for Obama

(No animals were hurt in the making of this picture.)

Smoky the Parrot for Obama

LOLcat for Obama

(From Catanna.)

Puppy for Obama

(From here.)

Teddy Bears for Obama

(From BlogNetNews.)

(From inktees.)

All these animals endorse Obama, except for those

McCain Squirrels