Some way, somehow, I’ve gotten on another interesting email list. A Tony Caputo wrote me an email this morning linking to this blog post from May of 2008 claiming some obvious falsehoods about Obama’s memoir, Dreams from My Father. For example, the piece states unequivocally an easily checkable claim: that his memoir makes “No mention of Harvard. ” A Google Book search reveals 14 explicit references to Harvard.
Later this morning, I receive this email linking – apparently favorably – to my blog:
from Tony Caputo <[email protected]>
to Americans Right to Know <[email protected]>
cc WORLD NET DAILY <[email protected]>,
STOP WELFARE <[email protected]>,
Stop the Democrats * <[email protected]>,
Stop Obama ** <[email protected]>,
“Nat. Tax Limitation Com*” <[email protected]>,
“Glenn Beck @ Fox **” <[email protected]>,
Give Me Liberty * <[email protected]>,
“Free Speech,1st Amend*” <[email protected]>,
Fox News ** <[email protected]>,
Conservative Truth ** <[email protected]>,
FIRE Pelosi <[email protected]>,
Fire OBAMA & Congress <[email protected]>,
Election Fraud <[email protected]>,
Don’t Trust Obama * <[email protected]>,
Don’t TRUST Democrats <[email protected]>,
“American Voters (C)” <[email protected]>,
American Thinker <[email protected]>,
American Patriot * <[email protected]>
date Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:45 AM
subject Krauthammer believe Obama is trying to destroy America or not?
Tony Caputo then included the full text of this blog post of mine questioning Charles Krauthammer’s authenticity.
To all those who were BCCed on this email (as I was): I want to point out publicly that I’m not associated with this Tony Caputo who also seems to have – according to this forum – written emails previously to the “Ladies & Gentlemen of White Christian America.”