

CNN reports on the most popular new invented word not invented by Stephen Colbert:

The word is insinuating its way into popular vocabulary for a simple reason.

You can’t get in trouble. It’s a made-up word.

“It may have been the great George Carlin who talked about these things so cleverly,” Larson said. “He’d say, ‘Mother would say shoot, but she meant … when she reached in and burned her fingers on the crocker.’ And the child says, ‘I know what you meant, Mom.’ ”

The word has slipped the bonds that tethered other pretenders like Mork’s “shazbot” in “Mork & Mindy” or Col. Sherman T. Potter’s “horse hockey” in “M*A*S*H.” Its usage has moved from the small but fervent group of “Galactica” fans into everyday language. It’s shown up in very mainstream shows like “The Office,” “Gossip Girl” and “Scrubs.” One YouTube posting has 2 minutes of sound bites that cover the gamut.

Election 2008 Humor Politics Scandal-mongering The Opinionsphere

The Stages of Rumordom

From Mickey Kaus via Andrew Sullivan, a very astute observation of the life of a political rumor:

1) Too horrible and shocking; it can’t possibly be true.
It’s not true.
You can’t prove it’s true.
Why are you trying to prove it’s true?
It’s disgusting that you’ve proved it’s true.
What’s the big deal anyway?

Humor Videos

Cats are Deceitful: The Sequel

[digg-reddit-me]This Saturday night video is brought to you by the same guy who brought you “Cats are deceitful…” although he calls it “Let me in.”

Election 2008 Humor Obama The Opinionsphere Videos

Obama, the Lion King


While Rush Limbaugh thinks the best way to make fun of Obama is to appoint a black man to be the “Official Obama Criticizer” – and allow him to make racially insensitive remarks and “talk ‘hood” – Jon Stewart knows better – and last night, with his show pre-taped but scheduled to run after Obama’s big speech, his show ran this pitch-perfect Obama introduction telling the story of Barack Obama, “which begins 180 million years ago”:

Election 2008 Humor McCain Politics

The POW Card

Mike Luckovich has the perfect response to McCain’s incessant and shameless use of the POW card.

Humor The Web and Technology Videos

I hope that you forget about your MySpace…


sweetafton23, also of the offbeat reddit hit, Britney Spears’ ‘Toxic’ on a ukulele, apparently has some of her own material.

Some sample lyrics:

The years are going by so fast – it really is bewilderin’;
and we’ll be so called ‘grownups’ and have mortgages and children.
I hope we all gain worldliness and wisdom and maturity;
but I hope most of all that MySpace falls into obscurity…

I hope our profiles all go dead, entombed in distant servers –
a monument to our youth, though lacking its observers.
Your page will be an empty shell when no one is behind it
I hope your MySpace stays forever …and i hope that your kids find it.

I hope that you forget about your MySpace;
I hope it slips completely from your mind,
and I hope it stays up long enough for the next generation to find;
and I hope that it embarrasses your children;
I hope their bratty friends all forward it around.
And I hope you forget your password so you cannot take it down…

Election 2008 Humor Obama

Choosing a Vice President

While the title of “greatest prank ever” remains speculative, experts from the Guinness Book of World Records verified shortly before press time that Obama’s announcement likely set the world record for the longest sustained silence from a crowd of over 10,000 people, at roughly over seven minutes.

Yup. (H/t Andrew Sullivan.)

The tension Obama has created by not naming a Vice President for so long is palpable.

Drudge is running the great headline: ‘WOULDN’T YOU LIKE TO KNOW?’ with a picture of a laughing Obama.

Another suggestion from two sources: Obama could announce his VP via a text at 3 am, to show he’s still awake at that time.

Right now, I gotta say, the smart money has to be on Biden or Bayh, although I’m not sure why they would create so much tension for an anti-climactic choice.

Election 2008 Humor Politics Videos

Another Third Party Candidate for President

You can run too…But be patient – the link is a bit slow.

(Hint – just change the values of the name in this link.)


A very young Michael Phelps



If anyone knows the original source of this, let me know. I found it here. And the author is………

Patrick Moberg. Also the guy who met the girl with the flower in her hair on the subway

Edit: Welcome Andrew Sullivan readers.

And welcome Use My Computer users.

Humor Pakistan

Mr. 20%

Zardari was known as “Mr 10%” in Bhutto’s first term as prime minister because of bribery allegations, later as “Mr 20%”.
