The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-04-16

  • Republicans have an absolutely brilliant strategy on financial reform. Too bad it's evil. #
  • My damn website host is suffering brownouts of service…Thus, the blog post I just need to add 3 links to still isn't up… #
  • How much do music artists earn online? [infographic] #
  • Populist right wing movements haven't been historically anti-gov't despite their rhetoric. #
  • John Hancock and 55 others like this: #
  • Apparently, my blog is down…Even as I have a post 'in the chute' and ready to go… #
  • Homeland Security plan to detect toxic agents w/cell phones that would alert owner and military monitoring station. #
  • Nuclear Policy in an Age of Terrorism and Madmen. #
  • Gov't's too incompetent to provide postal service, yet competent enough to torture & kill anyone it deems a terrorist. #
  • Daddy! #
  • Not exactly sure why, but I really like this picture. #

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The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-04-09

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Criticism The Web and Technology Promotes Google Takeover of Bloggerwave Fantasy

I’ve made a habit out of going after email alerts – usually because of the political implications of their get-rich-quick schemes.

But today, is promoting “Frank’s Penny Stocks” which is claiming that the site Bloggerwave is going to be worth a lot of money:

I’ve said it many times now, Don’t Wait – BLGW is a Takeover Target for Google…Yahoo and Microsoft could be watching and waiting too.

Had you followed my advice you could have already secured huge gains…

Now, I’ve never been so certain. BLGW is lighting up like a firecracker…and that could make you a bundle of profits.

Now, I have no special inside information here – but the Google takeover bit is a load of bullshit. Frank’s Penny Stocks analysis of why BLGW is a good pick is jaw-droppingly naive about social media:

All the buzz today is about social media—and it’s more than just a craze. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, blogs…

Yahoo made a $1 BILLION offer to buy Facebook. Subsequently, the offer was turned down by the 22-year old founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and his partners. Foolish maybe, but it just goes to show that the big boys are willing to pay big bucks for these sites.

And then of course is the street vendor sales language:

[BLGW] has a client list worth its weight in gold

My BUY NOW alarms went off all over the place.

I LOVE a good $tock $tampede!

But the basic point is this: Google won’t be buying Bloggerwave. Bloggerwave may make money – but it will only do so if Google allows it to – and its modus operandi is contrary to Google’s. It’s about companies buying positive social media coverage rather than advertisements. It doesn’t seem transparent or open in how it makes money the way other Google businesses are. It just isn’t a good fit.

For more TownHall idiocy covered, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-04-02

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The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-03-26

  • Eric Cantor: Douchebag. (Sometimes name-calling is justified.) #
  • Must-Reads of the week. #
  • We have something to fear from fear-mongering itself. Really important piece on our current political climate. #
  • It is absolutely despicable that this man who is pretending to be a moral leader is incapable of taking responsibility. #
  • Counter Surveillance Camera detects binoculars, cameras and rifle scopes pointing at you and even people staring. #
  • "This is known as Fermi's Lack-of-a-Paradox." #
  • What a signature looks like if you use 22 pens to make it. #
  • Republicans attempt to ram repeal down American people's throat in the face of overwhelming majority support for bill. #
  • @oliviawilde Thanks for the tweet. 🙂 Big fan of you on House… #
  • Two t-shirts worth investing in: (1) and (2) #
  • Worth a Thousand Words. #
  • B. Clinton: My only regret in creating 23 million new jobs is that 2 million of those jobs were for right-wing pundits. #
  • Obama’s Self-Interest Lies With the American People’s; the Republican Party’s Self-Interest Does Not. #
  • @SenJohnMcCain says: "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year." 1. What about country first? 2. Who was cooperating as it was? #
  • The Unhinged Anger on the Right Leads to An Ill-Advised and Unhedged Bet Against Reform. #
  • @jimmiebjr If lying through yr teeth weren't allowed, wld Republicans really tell people they opposed the bill b/c they want Obama to fail? #
  • Watching This Week…Karl Rove really needs to be housebroken. Or maybe to stop doing all that coke before going on talk shows.. #
  • Freedom means not getting health care? – RT @ddjango: RT Freedom means not being forced into buying healthcare. @XtyMiller #

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Barack Obama China Criticism Domestic issues Economics Financial Crisis Foreign Policy Health care Iran National Security Politics The Bush Legacy The Media The Opinionsphere The War on Terrorism The Web and Technology War on Drugs

Must-Reads of the Week: Google/China, Liberal American Exceptionalism, The Failed War on Drugs, Defending the Individual Mandate, Counter Counter-Insurgency, Idiocrats, and Men Did It!

1. Google v. China. I’ve refrained from posting on the Google v. China battle going on until now. So much of the praise for Google’s decision seemed overblown and I wasn’t sure what insight I had to offer, even as I read everything on the matter I could. But now, the wave of criticism of the company is pissing me off. I get the source of the criticism – that Google is so quickly criticizing other companies for staying in China after it left, and that Google’s partial exit may have made business as well as moral sense.  But motives are new pure – we’re human. Those who the critics accuse the company of merely using as a pretext for a business decision see the matter in other terms – according to Emily Parker of the Wall Street Journal, “Chinese twitterverse is alight with words like ‘justice’ and ‘courageous’ and ‘milestone’ “ and condolence flowers and cups being sent to Google’s offices in China.

What the Google/China conflict highlights though is the strategic incompatibility of a tech company like Google and an authoritarian state like China. One of James Fallows’ readers explains why Google and China could never get along:

Internet search and analytics companies today have more access to high quality, real-time information about people, places and events, and more ability to filter, aggregate, and analyze it than any government agency, anywhere ever.  Maybe the NSA can encrypt it better and process it faster but it lacks ability to collect the high value data – the stuff that satellites can’t see.  The things people think but don’t say.  The things people do but don’t say.  All documented in excruciating detail, each event tagged with location, precise time.  Every word you type, every click you make (how many sites do you visit have google ads, or analytics?), Google is watching you – and learning.  It’s their business to.  This fact has yet to sink in on the general public in the US, but it has not gone un-noticed by the Chinese government.

The Chinese government wants unfettered access to all of that information.  Google, defending its long-term brand equity, cannot give its data to the Chinese government.  Baidu, on the other hand, would and does…

The reader goes on to explain how China would slow down and otherwise disrupt Google services in China enough to ensure that Baidu would keep it’s dominant position. This, he explains is:

…just another example of the PRC’s brilliant take on authoritarian government: you don’t need total control, you just need effective control. [my emphasis]

Which is why it is so important that a country like China have constant access to search engine data. In a passage deleted at some point in the editing process from a New York Times story (which an internal Times search reveals to be this one), it was reported that:

One Western official who spoke on condition of anonymity said that China now speaks of Internet freedom in the context of one of its “core interests” — issues of sovereignty on which Beijing will brook no intervention. The most commonly cited core issues are Taiwan and Tibet. The addition of Internet freedom is an indication that the issue has taken on nationalistic overtones.

2. Liberal American Exceptionalism. Damon Linker of The New Republic responds to critics:

[T]he most distinctive and admirable of all [America’s] qualities is our liberalism. Now let me be clear: unlike Lowry and Ponnuru, who identify American exceptionalism with the laissez-faire capitalism favored by the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, I do not mean to equate the ideology that dominates one of our country’s political parties with the nation’s exemplary essence. On the contrary, the liberalism I have singled out is embraced by nearly every member of both of our political parties—and indeed by nearly every American citizen. Liberalism in this sense is a form of government—one in which political rule is mediated by a series of institutions that seek to limit the powers of the state and maximize individual freedom: constitutional government, an independent judiciary, multiparty elections, universal suffrage, a free press, civilian control of the military and police, a large middle class, a developed consumer economy, and rights to free assembly and worship. To be a liberal in this primary sense is to favor a political order with these institutions and to abide by the political rules they establish.

3. The War on Drugs Is Doomed. Mary Anastacia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal echoes me saying: The War on Drugs is Doomed. (My previous posts on this topic here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

4. Defending the Individual Mandate. Ezra Klein explains why the individual mandate is actually a really good deal for American citizens:

The irony of the mandate is that it’s been presented as a terribly onerous tax on decent, hardworking people who don’t want to purchase insurance. In reality, it’s the best deal in the bill: A cynical consumer would be smart to pay the modest penalty rather than pay thousands of dollars a year for insurance. In the current system, that’s a bad idea because insurers won’t let them buy insurance if they get sick later. In the reformed system, there’s no consequence for that behavior. You could pay the penalty for five years and then buy insurance the day you felt a lump.

Klein also had this near-perfect post on our unhinged debate on health care reform and added his take to the projections of Matt Yglesias, Ross Douthat, Tyler Cowen on how health care law will evolve in the aftermath of this legislation.

5. Counter-Counter-Insurgency. Marc Lynch describes a document he recently unearthed which he calls AQ-Iraq’s Counter Counter-insurgency plan. Lynch describes the document as “pragmatic and analytical rather than bombastic, surprisingly frank about what went wrong, and alarmingly creative about the Iraqi jihad’s way forward.”

6. Idiocrats Won’t Change. Brendan Nyhan counters a point I (along with many other supporters of the health care bill) have been making (here and here for example) – that once the bill passes, the misperceptions about it will be corrected by reality. I fear he may be right, but I believe it will change opinions on the margins soon and more so over time.

7. Theories of the Financial Crisis: Men Did It. Sheelah Kolhatkar looks at one theory of the financial crisis some experts have been pushing: testosterone and men.

Another study Dreber has in the works will look at the effects of the hormones in the birth-control pill on women, because women having their periods have been shown to act more like men in terms of risk-taking behavior. “When I present that in seminars, I say men are like women menstruating,” she says, laughing…

Positioning himself as a sort of endocrine whisperer of the financial system, Coates argues that if women made up 50 percent of the financial world, “I don’t think you’d see the volatile swings that we’re seeing.” Bubbles, he believes, may be “a male phenomenon.”

His colleague, neuroscientist Joe Herbert, agrees. “The banking crisis was caused by doing what no society ever allows, permitting young males to behave in an unregulated way,” he says. “Anyone who studied neurobiology would have predicted disaster.”

A very interesting thesis. And one that strikes me as broadly true. I previously explored other theories of what caused the financial crisis:

[Image by me.]

Barack Obama Criticism Politics The Web and Technology

Copyright and the White House Photostream

[digg-reddit-me]A kerfuffle arose over this at slashdot a month ago – in which the White House was accused of changing how they posted works on Flickr “since January.”

In reality, this has been the case for some time. I first noticed this discrepancy after I noticed that the RNC was adapting images from the White House Flickr stream in this ad from August 2009. I recognized the pictures and noticed that it clearly violated the terms of use provided with the images.

Specifically, for each photo uploaded on this account and listed as an “Official White House Photo by Pete Souza,” a notice states:

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

However, under copyright information provided for all Flickr photos, this work has been classified (by the uploader) as “United States Government Work.” This change occurred in May 2009 after a number of commentors noted that even the most lax Creative Commons license provided more copyright protection than the works were allowed. The copyright status of all the pictures was changed then to “United States Government Work,” and the link provided on the page directs you to this which states:

A work that is a United States Government work, prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties, is not subject to copyright in the United States and there are no U.S. copyright restrictions on reproduction, derivative works, distribution, performance, or display of the work.

The discrepancy between what the White House claims and what the law actually says is significant. I presumed this was an error – and still do.

I write this in part to justify my editing of the White House photo of Hillary Clinton embracing Barack Obama in celebration of the health care victory – and partly because it puzzles me why it has persisted for nearly a year. Especially as the 2 licenses so clearly cannot both be claimed. I’ll ask the White House for comment on this and get back in the unlikely event I get a response.

The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-03-19

  • Must-Reads of the Week. #
  • @KamaainaInOC The relevance of that is? I mean-anyone can grab obscure quotes of congressman, take them out of context, and make them awful. in reply to KamaainaInOC #
  • Conservatives look to rich Hollywood elite to lead #hcr protest to deny help to poor Americans! (H/t @KamaainaInOC) #
  • CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.3 trillion over 20 years, covers 95% #
  • A minor Google Maps miracle. (H/t @BuzzEdition) #
  • AEI member/legislative scholar Norm Ornstein on Republican outrage over reconciliation, "Is there no shame anymore?" #
  • @Stranahan Hey! Love good news from Twitter! Go Kucinich! #
  • @Stranahan I understand you oppose it. I just think you're being naive. If Kucinich ends up supporting it, does it make him a sellout too? #
  • @Stranahan The Swiss model isn't better than our current one – which is not only unsustainable but is the worst of all worlds? #
  • @Stranahan There's a difference between a "shared presumption" about what's possible and a deal to kill something. #
  • @Stranahan But read what the Times reporter said – and can't you see the headline exaggerates it? #
  • @Stranahan But my question is: Will this bill improve the system and will it make American lives better? in reply to Stranahan #
  • @Stranahan Of course deals were made! They always are! Social Security excl. blacks to start! Lincoln only freed slaves he had no power to. #
  • @Stranahan But show me how to get the votes for a stronger bill. Tell me who'll switch. Show me the evidence of bad faith on Obama's part. #
  • @Stranahan Call me an Obamapologist if you must, and use charged language like: Obama's a sellout in bed with ins. industry! #
  • @Stranahan Just because the health ins. doesn't hate it as much as they might doesn't make it worse than what we have. It's an improvement. #
  • @Stranahan Yet there's a lot to like about the reform bill. The exchange has the potential to change the way people think about hc. #
  • @Stranahan Explaining when health ins. switched: Health ins caught bribing people playin FarmVille #
  • @Stranahan Actually, yes: they are: #
  • @Stranahan Yet, ins. industry still is opposing the reforms. They want the best deal they can get, and if reform inevitable, to shape it. #
  • @Stranahan What's your theory then as to what Obama is doing? #
  • Reversing stereotypes. #
  • The political debate of 2012 [pic] #
  • "Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution." #
  • Those storms you don’t hear about actually do the damage – while the ones hyped by local news end up fizzling. #
  • Sometime this morning, a big tree in my backyard (in Wantagh) was uprooted. Several pics here. #
  • Happened earlier today, but here's a pic of the downed tree on Beech Street in Wantagh. #
  • So far, I've got a shattered window, a blown-down fence, and a National Guardsman around the corner from me setting up flares. #
  • Wantagh takes on Glenn Beck. #

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The Web and Technology

Brief Thoughts for the Week of 2010-03-12

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Barack Obama Criticism Economics Foreign Policy Health care National Security Politics The Bush Legacy The Opinionsphere The Web and Technology

Must-Reads During This Week: Perfect Storm for Health Reform, Making Controversy, Cyberwar, Limiting Government, Liz Cheney’s Al Qaeda Connection, George Will, and the Coffee Party

In lieu of a substantial post today (as I’m having trouble getting back into the blog-writing habit), here’s a few links to worthwhile articles.

1. Perfect Storm. Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic explains that a “Perfect Storm Nearly Killed Health Reform; Another Storm May Save It.” However, what Ambinder describes as the “perfect storm” that might save health reform seems to be more properly called Obama’s willingness to wait out bad news cycles.

2. Controversy. Ezra Klein opines usefully on “how to make something controversial“:

The media is giving blanket coverage to this “controversial” procedure being used by the Democrats. But using reconciliation for a few fixes and tweaks isn’t controversial historically, and it’s not controversial procedurally. It’s only controversial because Republicans are saying it is. Which is good enough, as it turns out. In our political system, if Democrats and Republicans are yelling at each other over something, then for the media, that is, by definition, controversy.

3. Cyberwar? Ryan Singel of Wired‘s Threat Level reported some of the back-and-forth among the U.S. intelligence community, explaining why Republicans want to undermine and destroy the internet for national security as well as for commercial reasons. The Obama administration’s web security chief maintains in an interview with Threat Level that, “There is no cyberwar.”

4. Limiting government. Jacob Weisberg of Slate always seems to be looking for the zeitgeist. His piece this week is on how Obama can embrace the vision of limited government.  While all the pieces are there, he doesn’t quite make the connection I want to make: that government is absolutely needed even as it must be limited and its power checked. A post on this line has been percolating in my mind for some time, and now that Weisberg has written his piece, I feel its just about time for me to write mine.

5. Liz Cheney, Al Qaeda Sympathizer? Dahlia Lithwick slams Liz Cheney for her recent ad calling the Justice Department the “Department of Jihad” and labeling some attorneys there the “Al-Qaeda 7”:

Given that the Bill of Rights pretty much evaporates once you’ve been deemed a jihadi lover of Bin Laden, you might think Liz Cheney would be super-careful tossing around such words They have very serious legal implications…Having worked for years to ensure that the word jihadist is legally synonymous with guilty, Cheney cannot be allowed to use it casually to describe anyone she simply doesn’t like.

6. George Will: More Partisan Than Independent? Ezra Klein catches George Will out in a rather telling fit of procedural outrage over the Democrats’ use of reconciliation in the Senate. Plus, Klein uses this nifty chart to illustrate that dramatic change that George Will doesn’t happen to comment upon:

7. Coffee Party. I’m intrigued by this idea, though I don’t know how workable it is.

[Image taken by me over the weekend.]