- Hate it or love it, this conversation about NHS is a distraction. No one proposes America adopt anything like it. http://2parse.com//?p=3770 #
- My webhost is under a DDOS attack, so chances are I wont keep my consecutive days with over 500 hits going. (Had 460 when it went down) #
- How can New York City hot dog vendors afford a monthly rent of $53,558? http://www.slate.com/id/2224941/ #
- Google in my Facebook http://imgur.com/zg5Ce.jpg #
- Why deficit politics cannot succeed http://2parse.com//?p=3726 #
- Learning from a cat named Ugly http://bit.ly/L4uJG #
- Obama is literally Hitler. The proof: http://obamaisliterallyhitler.tumblr.com/ #
- Say No to Socialism! http://imgur.com/5RkJK.png #
- Prominent Liberal Blogger (@mattyglesias): Obama acting exactly as if he does have a secret “death committee”!!! http://2parse.com//?p=3728 #
- If you need a smile at the end of the day, a funny/sweet/graphic/cartoon condom ad http://bit.ly/19HFtA #
- Right-wing Editorial Fail – proving people are idiots (Even if my previous was a hoax, this isn't) http://2parse.com//?p=3720 #
- Letter to the Editor – People are apparently idiots: http://imgur.com/O2xNZ.jpg #
- Polls show that large majorities of Americans support the specific health care reforms Democrats propose. http://2parse.com//?p=3694 #
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