- Awarding the Nobel Prize to Obama at this point's silly. But the reflexive resentment/anger of right wingers is truly pathetic. #
- This use of Google Maps was inevitable: http://ijustmadelove.com/ (Site a bit close to overloading, so be patient…) #
- Bob Dole tells Repubs to pass health care bill; top Repubs told him "We shouldn't do that. That's helping the president" http://bit.ly/5wfKt #
- "This is my favorite memo ever." http://bit.ly/Ilp7d #
- Glenn Beck tries to have DidGlennBeckRapeandMurderaYoungGirlin1990.com taken down http://bit.ly/2Bra17 #
- Daddy's girl http://www.lamebook.com/daddys-girl #
- Re. Afghanistan: Why choose b/t escalation or withdrawal at a time when the political picture is least clear? http://2parse.com//?p=4081 #
- RT @BarryGoldwater: Creepy is not a crime, its a freedom extended to Liberals as well. #
- Right wingers seem aware of legitimate questions about Obama’s policies – but choose to invent strawmen positions..http://2parse.com//?p=4056 #
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