- Republicans can't justify their newfound opposition to Net Neutrality so they decide to make shit up… http://2parse.com//?p=4120 #
- Going a bit insane as the phone interrupts me every 5 minutes and I'm barely able to make any progress…. #
- What Do the Taliban, Hannah Montana, and the Beatles Have in Common? http://2parse.com//?p=4117 #
- How did I end up on the Brad Paisley train home? Cowboy hats all around & ignorant comments about how "Shimon Pers or whatev won Nobel too" #
- It's okay. Just try it. There's no need to do any more work today… http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/obechi/ #
- “She loves you — yeah, yeah, yeah,” we sang, with Kalashnikovs lying on the floor around us. http://bit.ly/FDz35 #
- Interesting graphic illustration of the theoretical worldviews of the right and left, though lacking in subtlety.. http://bit.ly/43DYuX #
- My horoscope: "You're still learning and perfecting your skills so be patient with yourself; you're just where you should be in the moment." #
- Former Bush Attorney General: American Justice System Led to September 11 http://2parse.com//?p=4108 #
- I tried Google Wave last night finally. Actually quite cool. #
- "Hey – you can't arrest me if I prove your rules inconsistent!" http://xkcd.com/651/ #
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