- Jon Stewart shows Sarah Palin stomping on Ronald Reagan's grave. http://bit.ly/aQDA5k #
- Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. http://bit.ly/bOx4dC #
- Why Pigs Are Awesomer Than You… http://bit.ly/dr7Tlf #
- Must-reads of the week. http://2parse.com//?p=5015 #
- "You could've made the lines on this graph better, but only by letting the lines on the other graphs get worse." http://bit.ly/9s4FAP #
- He's almost got it. http://i.imgur.com/Av8fL.jpg #
- Will the IRS need 16,000 new agents to enforce health-care reform? Well, no….. http://bit.ly/b1C0Q6 #
- Workers, drivers @ Danish brewer Carlsberg strike to protest company limiting beer drinking @ work to lunch breaks http://bit.ly/bj5A0N #
- This explains so, so much: http://bit.ly/be2LZr #
- The case for using moving images in geometry class. http://i.imgur.com/WKeVH.gif #
- How to know you're hating correctly. http://bit.ly/aDP5qi #
- Government Is Good! http://2parse.com//?p=5006 #
- Obama plays HORSE (renamed POTUS) against Clark Kellog. Watch to the end. http://bit.ly/dnDVpe #
- Sarah Palin: Elitist snob who's insulting you. http://bit.ly/9NRmZw #
- McCain jumps the shark: "I never considered myself a maverick." http://bit.ly/cuWbRb #
- The Efficacy of Drone Attacks. http://2parse.com//?p=4998 #
- Wow: What will certainly be one of the best plays of the year occurred on Opening Day: http://bit.ly/cJVqNu #
- Life seems accidental as it's happening, then as you look back it looks like a well-planned novel with a coherent theme http://bit.ly/9oshGK #
- Dammit, Reddit! You know I sorta love you, but sometimes… http://2parse.com//?p=4987 #
- The Muppets say, "Happy Easter!" http://bit.ly/9vl96I #
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