Domestic issues Election 2008 Foreign Policy Obama Politics The Clintons

Imagine Vladmir Putin…

[digg-reddit-me]I’ve been talking with one of my friends about what this election means recently. He’s in favor of Senator Hillary Clinton – and I, obviously, favor Senator Barack Obama. His argument is essentially that Mr. Obama is too “green” (although my friend believes Mr. Obama would be exceptional in eight years or so) and that Ms. Clinton would provide competent if uninspired leadership making her the better choice for today. There are a lot of grounds to dispute this on – whether Ms. Clinton’s “experience” means much; whether she would be a competent manager – her campaign planning suggesting otherwise; whether she could accomplish anything, as divisive as she is; whether or not she will win; whether Mr. Obama lacks sufficient experience when compared with Ms. Clinton; whether Mr. Obama is “green”.

I think all of these raise legitimate points. But the argument I choose is the one that convinced me in the end to support Mr. Obama over Ms. Clinton, Senator John McCain, former Senator John Edwards, and the rest of the field. Simply, the American experiment is in bad shape.

We have an executive today who does not respect the rule of law, who has acted imperiously (only slightly more so than President Bill Clinton); we have a corrupt culture in Washington that refuses to take action to reign the executive branch in, or even to protect their own prerogatives; we have a media environment that rarely focuses on hard-hitting news and often reports on important topics as a matter of “he said, she said” without resolving factual conflicts between the diverging accounts; we have an increasingly partisan politics that divides Americans into two teams despite great consensus on major issues; our foreign policy is increasingly imperial, if well-meaning; the bubbling conflicts around the world have been exacerbated in the past decade – and a “return to normalcy” that Ms. Clinton promises will not be sufficient to quell them.

What we need is a president who will be willing to return some of the powers Mr. Clinton and President George W. Bush have taken unto their office; a president who will be able to start a serious discussion of the long-term issues facing America and then unite the citizenry to try to take steps to deal with these issues. It’s unlikely any individual could accomplish all of these things – but Ms. Clinton does not seem inclined to even try. Her campaign is not about where America is headed – but about micro-initiatives to make segments of the population a bit better off. There’s a time for that approach to politics, but that time is not now.

My friend agreed with virtually everything I said above. Yet somehow, he doesn’t see America as in a fundamental crisis – and because of this, he sees Ms. Clinton as the more “safe” choice.

Andrew Sullivan, Glenn Greenwald, Charlie Savage, and Lawrence Lessig (and former Governor Mario Cuomo) have all helped convince me of the urgency of this crisis with their constant clear-sighted analyses – and thus moved me to support Mr. Obama as the only candidate with the potential to begin to tackle these issues.

But somehow, despite the relatively widespread knowledge of the state of our government and our politics, something is missing; some urgency. People tend to think: it can’t happen here. Glenn Greenwald, reflecting perhaps a similar frustration to mine, tried to explain part of the issue by way of comparison:

Imagine if, say, Vladimir Putin was accused by his own top officials of systematically spying on Russian citizens for years in ways that were patently illegal, but he then manipulated the courts to ensure he was never accountable, and had his political allies in parliament block any investigations, so that the activities remained concealed forever and he was never made to answer for what he did. Think about the grave denunciations that Fred Hiatt, Charles Krauthammer and the State Department would be issuing over such authoritarian and lawless maneuvering.

That’s exactly how our country operates now. When high political officials here are accused of breaking the law, they need not defend themselves. Congress acts to protect and immunize them. The courts refuse even to hear the lawsuits. And executive branch officials are completely shielded from the most basic mechanics of the rule of law.

No hyperbole is necessary to sustain the Putin comparison. It’s demonstrated by the facts themselves, by how our system of government works now. None of the “great controversies” of the Bush years, involving multiple accusations of lawbreaking, war crimes and other forms of serious corruption, has resulted in any legal process or investigations or ajudications because our government officials have been vested with omnipotent instruments to shield themselves from accountability, or even investigation, of any kind.

In a minimally functioning Republic, when our political leaders are accused of concealing wrongdoing, Congress investigates, uncovers what happens, and informs the American people. When political leaders are accused of breaking the law, courts decide whether that occurred. None of the branches of government do that any longer. They do the opposite: they not only fail to perform those functions, but they affirmatively act to block investigations, help the conduct remain concealed, and ensure that there is no adjudication. When it comes to ensuring that the NSA spying scandal specifically remains forever uninvestigated, secret, and unexamined, telecom amnesty will be the final nail in this coffin, but it is merely illustrative of how our political culture now functions.

The failure of many Americans to realize how close we are to losing the essence of the American experiment has many causes. But at root, it is a failure of imagination.

Foreign Policy Law Morality The War on Terrorism

I Don’t Like Waterboarding

[digg-reddit-me]Jonah Goldberg at the National Review believes that the debate over American torture is “stinks of political opportunism.” He apparently missed the point made by Morris David, the chief prosecutor for the military commissions in Guantanamo this weekend in the Times. And he apparently doesn’t care to take into account the fact that torture often produces false evidence. But he does have this to say:

I don’t like waterboarding, and I hope we never use it again. I have respect for those who believe it should be banned in all circumstances. But I do not weep that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed spent somewhere between .03 and .06 seconds feeling like he was drowning for every person he allegedly helped murder on 9/11.

Then again, I think it would be horrific if we used that logic to justify waterboarding. It’s not a technique that should be used for punishment. Nor do I think that evidence obtained from forced confessions should be used in trial. Those are paving stones on the road to a torture state.

Reading this, I guess that Mr. Goldberg and me have more in common than meets the eye. But what Mr. Goldberg doesn’t acknowledge here is that whether or not “coerced interrogations” will be used as evidence is still an open question in the upcoming trials of the “Guantanamo Six”. More important, he doesn’t deal with the executive acceptances of torture – from redefining it to mean only “pain equivalent to death or major organ failure” as John Yoo did while advising President Bush, to the many less dramatic instances where evidence of torture was “lost” or destroyed, as lower level employees were blamed for following vague directives to “take off the gloves”.

I think many sympathize with Mr. Goldberg’s formulation – of not caring for torture, but not caring about the fates of these mass murderers.

What Mr. Goldberg doesn’t seem to get is that he is not just apathetic about the torture of men who likely deserve it – he is also giving the President of the United States, an individual in a position of extreme power, a license to break the law when subservience to the law is the only thing that separates a President from a King.

If the President believes he or she must break the law in order to save lives, and judges that breaking the law is the only course available – then he or she should do so. But upon breaking the law, they must then submit to it. For if an individual is able to break the law with impunity, the entire system breaks down.

Election 2008 Foreign Policy Obama Politics

The Rebranding of America: Barack Obama


[digg-reddit-me]The Obama backlash is beginning, but slowly.  Two weeks ago we learned that Barack Obama is not Jesus; that’s a fair point to make. Earlier today David Brooks, who was a prominent conservative supporter of Mr. Obama warned that “the magic fades”.  Mr. Brooks ends on this ambiguously positive note:

The victims of O.C.S. struggle against Obama-myopia, or the inability to see beyond Election Day. But here’s the fascinating thing: They still like him. They know that most of his hope-mongering is vaporous. They know that he knows it’s vaporous.

But the fact that they can share this dream still means something. After the magic fades and reality sets in, they still know something about his soul, and he knows something about theirs. They figure that any new president is going to face gigantic obstacles. At least this candidate seems likely to want to head in the right direction. Obama’s hype comes from exaggerating his powers and his virtues, not faking them.

Those afflicted with O.C.S. are no longer as moved by his perorations. The fever passes. But some invisible connection seems to persist.

Mr. Brooks column hits Mr. Obama a bit harder in the opening.  Kevin Drum over at the Washington Monthly also sees storm clouds on the Obama horizon.  Matt Yglesias also sees this coming.  Paul Krugman, the partisan hack and gloomy prognosticator of recessions, also sees the backlash brewing.  Though no one can describe Mr. Krugman as fair-minded regarding Mr Obama.  As one of my next posts will demonstrate, columnists more ideologically conservative than David Brooks have recently taken to hitting Mr. Obama.  It’s also worth noting that each of these liberals only cites one example.  But I sense it coming too – because the media must be getting bored; because Mr. Obama is not as open to the media as Senator John McCain; because as Mr. Obama succeeds, some of his less grounded supporters, and some of those who are emotionally invested in the race for cheap thrills, are beginning to reach a critical mass.

But I think Mr. Brooks’ point holds: that even after the comedown, voters are still left with an emotional connection.  More important from my perspective is that there are many who support Mr. Obama for reasons other than emotional thrills.

Aside from predictions of what Mr. Obama could do, and policy debates, and historical parallels, there is another set of clear realistic reasons to favor Mr. Obama.

As Roger Cohen wrote yesterday:

The fight between Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination is increasingly portrayed as one between romantics and realists.

But a realistic view of Obama would be that he is best placed to seize and shape a new world of such possibilities. He has the youth, the global background, the ability to move people, and the demonstrated talent for reaching across lines of division, even those etched in black and white.

The Nation’s Christopher Hayes made this argument for Mr. Obama regarding domestic policy.

Andrew Sullivan in his powerful December piece in the Atlantic Monthly explained how Mr. Obama’s sheer presence would “rebrand America”:

Think of it as the most effective potential re-branding of the United States since Reagan. Such a re-branding is not trivial—it’s central to an effective war strategy. The war on Islamist terror, after all, is two-pronged: a function of both hard power and soft power. We have seen the potential of hard power in removing the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. We have also seen its inherent weaknesses in Iraq, and its profound limitations in winning a long war against radical Islam. The next president has to create a sophisticated and supple blend of soft and hard power to isolate the enemy, to fight where necessary, but also to create an ideological template that works to the West’s advantage over the long haul. There is simply no other candidate with the potential of Obama to do this. Which is where his face comes in.

Consider this hypothetical. It’s November 2008. A young Pakistani Muslim is watching television and sees that this man—Barack Hussein Obama—is the new face of America. In one simple image, America’s soft power has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm. A brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy, is now the alleged enemy. If you wanted the crudest but most effective weapon against the demonization of America that fuels Islamist ideology, Obama’s face gets close. It proves them wrong about what America is in ways no words can.

Patrick Ruffini in a critical but generally objective piece concludes that Mr. Obama’s “brand” has great potential:

The end result is that great brands are fungible. They can be all things to all people. The branding approach liberates Obama to be the candidate of the MoveOn wing and of national unity. That’s not a criticism. It is a compliment. Now we’ll see if it stands up in the land beyond the energized core, in the land of 50% plus one nationally, where evangelism alone is not enough.

Obama literalists may read back chapter and verse on his policy initiatives, but let’s be real here. Those aren’t the reasons for his success. Morover, they were never intended to be the underpinnings of the Obama candidacy. Millions of “HOPE” and “CHANGE” placards later, I think that’s fairly clear.

There is something fluffy and nice and fake about the Obama hullabaloo.  But there is something real too.  And even a pragmatist can see the value in what Mr. Obama’s brand has been able to accomplish so far.

Foreign Policy Pakistan

Delayed Results

A spokeswoman for the Pakistan People’s Party had this to say about the results from yesterday’s elections which are still not fully tallied:

We’re not getting the results.  They have been delayed, which in Pakistan means they will be changed.

That’s often the sense I have here too – whether it be New Mexico in 2000 or 2004, Florida in 2000, or any other of the key races where there is a significant delay between voting and reporting.

Foreign Policy

How does Chechyna love thee?

Funny, scary, sad or all three?  In a moment worthy of The Onion, President Putin in his last presidential press conference was asked about the voter turnout in Chechyna, where he had ruthlessly quashed a rebellion:

At another point, a French journalist asked Mr. Putin if he thought that the official results recorded in Chechnya during parliamentary elections in December were realistic. According to the Central Election Commission, the voter turnout in Chechnya was 99 percent, and 99 percent of the voters cast their ballots for United Russia, the party Mr. Putin leads…

Mr. Putin, looking confident, asked a state journalist from Chechnya to answer the question. “These are absolutely realistic figures,” the journalist said. “Personally, all my acquaintances, including myself, voted for United Russia.”

Foreign Policy Pakistan

One Pakistan Story

From Jane Perlez of the New York Times telling one of the many factors that might influence today’s vote in Pakistan:

The most potent criticism of Mr. Moonis revolves around the mailing of money orders from government funds worth 1,500 rupees, about $38, to all the homes in his constituency.

The orders were signed by his father, who until Nov. 20 was the chief minister of Punjab, the most important post in the province.

According to provincial government documents, the money came from a program intended for disaster victims that calls for means testing of recipients. The dates on the money orders shows they were signed by Mr. Elahi on Nov. 29, nine days after he left office. Mr. Moonis’s opponent, Ashraf Ejaz Gill of the Peoples Party, said he had complained to the Election Commission to no avail.

During an interview in his lavish campaign headquarters in Lahore, Mr. Moonis said the mailing of the money orders was a mistake. “Someone in the government decided to put the whole constituency down instead of the poorest of the poor,” Mr. Moonis said. “It was some bureaucratic mess-up.”

Election 2008 Foreign Policy Humor Iraq McCain Obama Politics The War on Terrorism

Like Hope, But Different

I appreciate Senator John McCain’s frankness. Especially in contrast to the political styles of Senator Hillary Clinton and President George W. Bush.

Election 2008 Foreign Policy Politics The Clintons

A Sure Losing Strategy

Glenn Greenwald always seems to be at his best when attacking liberals and Democrats. I don’t mean that as a slight. He points out obvious truths and fundamental flaws. So he did yesterday, describing Terry McAuliffe, a top Clinton aide, discussing Senator John McCain and “toughness” on MSNBC thus:

If the Democrats want a blueprint for a sure losing strategy, they need look no further than McAuliffe’s answer…McAuliffe never once dared to criticize McCain on national security – not one word of criticism. Instead, he ignored the issue, immediately switched the topic to the economy, accepted the premise that McCain was “tough” and formidable on foreign policy, and then argued that Hillary was just as “tough” and would not, therefore, be vulnerable to attack. In other words: Hillary and McCain are the same on national security – equally “tough” – therefore that can be ignored and the focus should be on domestic issues.

That is the same failed strategy that Democrats have been pursuing with complete futility for the last eight years.

Election 2008 Foreign Policy Obama Politics The Clintons

The next time…

Kevin Drum lays out the argument Obama should make against Hillary:

The last time a U.S. president faced an unexpected crisis, he panicked and pushed us into a disastrous and unneeded war. Senator Clinton went along with him. We can’t afford for that to happen again. The next time terrorism tests a president, we need someone in the White House who won’t panic, someone who has the confidence and judgment to keep from being pushed into bluster and bombs as their first option…

Election 2008 Foreign Policy Iraq Obama Politics The Clintons

David Brooks: Bush Administration Thinks Hillary Will Protect Their Legacy

via Andrew Sullivan.